Sticker packs
Sticker packs
Featuring both a name and a character there’s no way anyone could get confused with where your belongings belong!
These are ideal for daycares, playgroups and schools, pretty much anywhere your things could get lost. They’re dishwasher safe, scratch resistant and easy on the eye!
Pack information:
Pack sizes:
Photo pack one: 20 small, 16 medium, 12 large.
Photo pack two: 40 small, 32 medium, 24 large.
Photo pack three: 80 small, 64 medium, 48 large.
Name pack one: 30 small, 20 medium, 14 large.
Name pack two: 60 small, 40 medium, 28 large.
Name pack three: 120 small, 80 medium, 56 large.
Combo pack one: 20 small photo, 16 medium photo, 12 large photo AND 30 small name, 20 medium name, 14 large name.
Combo pack two: 40 small photo, 32 medium photo, 24 large photo AND 60 small name, 40 medium name, 28 large name.
Combo pack three: 80 small photo, 64 medium photo, 48 large photo AND 120 small name, 80 medium name, 56 large name.